How Budgeting Can Help with Home Buying

How Budgeting Can Help with Home Buying Budgeting can be a great tool, regardless of what your present intentions are.  But if you’re looking to make a large purchase, i.e., a new home, then you’ll really need to make it a priority. This is the case both before and after you purchase a home. If you’re … Read more

Why Creating a Family Budget is So Important

Why Creating a Family Budget is So Important Budgeting is hard. It takes discipline, sacrifice, patience, and a lot more when done right. Now extrapolate this concept to account for an entire family budget. Yes, it’s a daunting proposition to say the least. But, it’s so very necessary if ensuring your family’s financial security is a … Read more

What to Do When You’re Ready to Buy a Home

What to Do When You’re Ready to Buy a Home So, you’ve decided homeownership is the next item on your list of goals. Congratulations; this is a huge step regardless of your current standing. Whether it’s your first time as a homeowner, or you’re looking for something new, either way you have your work cut … Read more

The Top Influencing Factors For Finances

The Top Influencing Factors For Finances Having the talk about finances with loved ones can feel like a burden to bear. If you haven’t already established a healthy perspective on financial expenditures, this can feel like a black hole of dread. But, all is not lost. In fact, there are some specific factors for finances that, just … Read more

Mortgages and Interest Rates: How They Collide

Mortgages and Interest Rates: How They Collide  How They Collide What happens at the meeting place of mortgages and interest rates? Does one have a significant impact on the other? The answer is a resounding yes. In fact, the state of interest rates can be one of the greatest determining factors in whether or not buying a … Read more

Improving Your Debt with LeapFrog

Improving Your Debt with LeapFrog When it comes to improving your debt, we understand it can feel like a tall order. And in truth, it is. When you have a lot of debt, it can feel like a full time job just keeping your head above water. That said, there’s always support available. The first thing … Read more

30-Year Fixed-Rate Mortgages in 2022 Vs The 2000s

30-Year Fixed-Rate Mortgages in 2022 Vs The 2000s 30-Year fixed-rate mortgages are a bit of a marvel in the banking world.  Unlike your average mortgage, these are subject to varying percentages over time. You instead are able to lock in an unchanging rate, which can relieve a lot of stress and complications long term. That … Read more